The encounter begins with the temple's defenses being breached once again, this time by two corruption corpses, two hobgoblin zombies, six rotters, and a zombie leader imbued with extra power by the necroshard.
The rotters charge the party, injuring Nook from the outset. Busty unleashes a Nightmare Eruption centered on the Shard Zombie, damaging it, one of the corruption corpses and one of the hobgoblin zombies. One of the corruption corpse lobs a glob of necrotic filth at Busty, which seems destined to strike her. At the last second, Busty remembers that she has a shield spell and the glob barely misses her.
Durzo executes a flawless riposte strike, killing a rotter, and narrowly dodges a shadowy ranged claw attack from the shard zombie followed by a necrotic glob from a corruption corpse.
Goofus damages a corruption corpse with conductive defense but is grabbed immobile by a hobgoblin zombie. Jukka misses a radiant vengeance attack on the shard zombie. Kallista strikes the shard zombie with an eldritch blast as she retreats to the back of the temple with Busty. Busty fails to shore up the temple defenses and three more rotters break in. A corruption corpse slams the immobilized goofus and Durzo flanks it, landing a huge hit with a Death Strike that bloodies the creature.
The shard zombie lends speed to two of its' rotter minions, who fail to connect with strikes against Goofus and Jukka. One of the corruption corpses strikes Nook with a necro glob, bloodying and weakening him.
Goofus attacks the corruption corpse next to him with conductive defense and takes a strong slam from the hobgoblin that grips him. Jukka hits the corruption corpse near Goofus with Shared Madness, sharing the damage with the shard zombie and bloodying it.
Kallista misses an eldritch blast against the shard zombie. The rotters attack as one, damaging Kallista and Goofus. Nook heals both himself and Goofus with Healing Word, then spins and kills a rotter with his hammer.
Busty strikes the shard zombie with a magic missile as a corruption corpse attacks Durzo. The attack causes Durzo to be distracted long enough for three more rotters to break into the temple. The shard zombie uses its' powers to raise four more rotters around itself.
Goofus uses psionic vigor to partially heal himself and struggles to break free of the hobgoblins' grip. The hobgoblin zombie drops its' grip on Goofus and charges Busty. Goofus misses an opportunity attack on the creature as it leaves.
Jukka strikes the shard zombie with radiant vengeance for big damage. Kallista fires an eldritch blast at the shard zombie which finally finishes the party's most dangerous foe.
The rotters prove inadequate in their attacks against the party with the exception of the catatonic Drawoc.
Nook wades into the thick of the zombies and unleashes a Turn Undead blast that kills a corruption corpse and SIX zombie rotters. The corruption corpse explodes as it dies, damaging Nook and Goofus, bloodying the latter.
Busty strikes the hobgoblin that assaults her with a magic missile as Durzo moves to her defense. A corruption corpse hits Kallista with a necrotic glob, bloodying her, but her Dark Spiral Aura damages the corruption corpse in turn.
Goofus fails to shore up defenses, allowing three more rotters and another corruption corpse to join the fray.
Goofus moves to Busty's aid as the hobgoblin slams her. Jukka attacks a second hobgoblin zombie for huge damage. Jukka follows up with a Dragon Breath attack that makes pretty lights.... but fails to hit the hobgoblin, a corruption corpse, a rotter, and thankfully Kallista.
Kallista unleashes a Curse Bite burst attack, instantly killing both a rotter and the vicious hobgoblin zombie that assaults her. She then hauls ass to the back of the temple.
Nook uses Healing Word on Goofus. He misses a Healing Strike against a corruption corpse, but shakes off the weakness that had afflicted him. The corruption corpse slams Nook, driving him to the brink of death.
Goofus, Durzo and Busty continue their battle with the remaining hobgoblin, and the beast strikes Goofus with a deadly slam. Jukka strikes the hobgoblin with radiant vengeance - killing it!!
Kallista eldritch blasts a corruption corpse for BIG damage. The most recent corruption corpse to enter the fray hits the Tiefling with a necrotic blob and she falls unconscious. Nook hits one of the corruption corpses with Priest Shield, bolstering he and Jukka's defense temporarily. Busty, Durzo, Goofu and Jukka gang up on the corruption corpse that Nook wounded.
The corruption corpse that had hit Kallista strikes Jukka with another necrotic blob and weakens him. The rotters snarl and attack, damaging Drawoc, Jukka and Goofus. Nook uses a throwing hammer on the corruption corpse he faces, killing it.
Busty, Durzo and Goofus take down three more rotters Jukka lands a vicious Radiant Vengeance on the last remaining corruption corpse. The rotters damage Jukka and Busty again, and Nook kills another rotter with a throwing hammer.
Busty, Durzo and Jukka strike the remaining corruption corpse, killing it and causing it to explode with necrotic filth that damages Durzo.
The rotters continue to scramble against the party, damaging Goofus again. Nook kills yet another with his last throwing hammer. Busty kills another with a magic missile, Durzo kils one with Death Strike, and Goofus finishes off the last rotter with conductive defense.
On the body of the shard zombie, the party finds a Staff of Unparalleled Vision +1, a level 4 magic item.
XP reward: 278 XP, for each of six characters (Drawoc non-participant)