So, a quick recap of what happened last night, while we are waiting for frekld's novel to get posted;
we faced a butt load of zombie minions- i lost count, but probably the total was near 19. Also a shard zombie, regenerating ranged zombies, and hobgoblin zombies with crazy ac (i missed him with a roll of 24!)
Things were not looking good for a while, but we prevailed, using most of our encounter powers (again). The mvp without a doubt was Nook- he was able to take out about 6 undead with his turn undead power (which I think really turned the tables). His healing was also key for me, as it allowed me to take my role as damage sponge well. All in all, i think i took 2x my normal hit points in damage.
Nook was also able to take out 3 more zombies while down to 2 HP.
Also got to mention Kallista, who I was sure was going to bite it, as she was down to 10 HP, and surrounded by several zombies (including the insanely hard to hit hobgoblin)
Her curse bite was key there- rolling a crit which caused the hobgoblin's head to explode.
Kallista and drawoc both did go down, though.
Jukka was the big hitter in the end game- his radiant damage was pretty key.
we are all pretty low on hp now- Goofus has 5, nook has 2, busty and durzo are near single digits- drawoc and kallista were just revived. Only Jukka has a good amount left (>30?)
So the encounter ended with the sun coming up and shining through the doors. But it doesn't seem like this is the end.