The party arrived safely back to town, returning Scoot the Ill-Gotten Dwarf back to his grateful comrades.
While enjoying a hearty celebratory ale, your group is approached by a mercenary and scoundrel by the name of Farian Blackhand.
"I here wot the lot o' you have gone into th' Chaos Scar and made it out safe, yah?"
After assurances from the party of the truth of the tale, Farian gets straight to the point, in as windingly and ramblingly straight as he can manage:
"I ran with a group o' mercenaries named Doran's Daggers. Lent my sword n' shield well to 'em, I did, a service 'twhich they have yet to pay me m' due. 'One more run, ol' Farian' they said, into the Chaos Scar, and you'll get yer coin. Well, the night afore settin' out, me ol' lady saw fit to rap me atwixt the eye sockets when she found me, all innocent-like, tryin' to help a fair maid in distress. Poor lass found 'erself caught in her bodice and unable to squeeze out, AND WHAT'S AN UPSTANDIN' CITIZEN TA DO, I ASK but give 'er a hand....."
Farian seems to drift away for a moment, seeing something the party cannot.
"ANYWAY, I was out cold for the better part o' a day, and the scoundrels lef' without me. Which woulda bin okay wit me if I'd hand ma coin afore-which! It's bin a week since they got gone, and I'm afeared they aint' comin' back. Er better yet, me GOLD ain't comin' back!"
"If you can find Doran Underhelm, dead 'r alive, and get me my hunnert gold, yeh can keep whatever else e's got on 'im. An' he tends ta keep a right lot o' jewels an' coin on 'im at all times. Mind yeh, he's prob'ly bought the borough now, if yeh take my meanin'. Elsewise, if 'e's still suckin' air, if yeh get me coin I'll split it wit yeh even-like."
"Dead 'r alive, you'll know yeh've found 'im by a tattoo o' crossed axes on 'is left forearm. I do believe they went intah th' Scar to check out an old, empty temple we saw on th' way back from deliverin' some young dwarf soccer-playin' scalawag ta some mean-eyed halfling priestess. I kin tell ya just whereabouts ta find it....."